Monday, April 30, 2007



Yesterday I got nothing to do so I Google-d "FIZZY".
My blog was tenth in the list.. (and today ninth..LOL)
But I'm not going to brag about that.

The most interesting part is I found a blog.
What's so special about it, you asked?
The blogger's name is also Fizzy.
She's from Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
And guess what, the UK Fizzy is also a Primary school teacher.
Now how scary is that?
[But she's married and I'm not..LOL]
Do check out her blog here.
I have also added the link in the blogroll.

To Fizzy, here's to many,many great blogging days ahead..
Take care!



  1. hye fizzy!!

    ur blog layout sm cam kwn saya, cikgu jgk. juz check it out at ;)

    ngajo kt mn ek? ok la tu walaupun kg tp leh hapdet ari2..syiokkk! tp nnt dpt gj nak msk gak leh thn. takde pakwe takpe lg, takde abg stimix rs cam tak keruan,kekekeke

  2. 9th? wah... envy gile. my name too generic. ade je org lain.

  3. fiz darl, gi la kawan dgn fizzy from UK itu!!!

    eyp, btw, i got a friend by the name of fizzy jugak, cume he's a male...weird, sbb everytime I mention his name, nanti teringat u la dear =)

  4. Good evening, chegu Dayah! =D
    Dh tgk chegu Nurul's blog..
    thehehehehe..taste sama agaknya..
    Ingatkan xdpt dikesan layout ni..
    Bukan main ambik from Indon. LOL

    Bak kata pa'chik, ngaja di "bandar KUIN".. ehehhehhehe..
    'Queens' a.k.a "PERMAISURI" di Setiu, Terengganu.

    Dearest eD,
    9th, yes..
    ehehehehehe.. fizzy is common what?
    Plus it even has a meaning. LOL

    Asni sayanggg,
    Memang nk kawan pon..
    Macam best je ekk..

    Aisey, a MALE fizzy??
    I did get some -ve comments you know regarding the name 'fizzy'.
    Some said that it is meant for guys.
    [i.e. for hafizi ke..rafizi ke..]
    But heck, I'm comfortable with it.
    Ok laa kan?

    Regards to your FIZZY.. LOL
