Thursday, March 11, 2010

서울.. 나 간다!! [토요일 밤의, 서울로 가요!!]

Hehe.. thought I'd 'show off' my Hangeul a bit. ;)
The title means : 
" I come!! [I'm going to Seoul on Saturday night!!]"

A bit unsettled with my assignments, but I hope I'll do okay.
I'm actually on the verge of crying right now, but I've to be positive.
Have to look on the bright side.

And the bright side is, I'm FINALLY gonna be in SEOUL!!
♥ ♥ ♥

nur hafiza hj hasan -- fizhasan

Monday, March 1, 2010


The last few entries have got my closest friends wondering.
Who was it? What happened? Was it him/her?
They'd ask me those questions. Hehehhehehe.. 

That was not my intention at all. I was merely letting out my feelings.
Didn't know there are friends who'd [still] be reading my old blog. lol
Whoever he/she is my friends, let bygones be bygones.
The most important things is that I'm extremely fine now.
Except for the fact that I have a Mid Semester EXAM coming soon, and I haven't finish revising!
Other than that, I'm cool.

I was deeply touched to be receiving text messages from those who were asking my 'condition'.
Thanks my dearest friends. You girls know damn well that's why I LOVE YOU to death!
You made my day.. ♥ ♥ ♥

nur hafiza hj hasan -- fizhasan

Thursday, February 25, 2010



i think this blog is turning out to sort of like my personal diary.
haha. should i make this private?
i'm not someone who'll confront and say what i feel.
so the feeling goes here. for now, it's definite.


p/s: i know you're happy, but is it a MUST to brag about it?

nur hafiza hj hasan -- fizhasan

Sunday, February 21, 2010

bad friend

lately i'm feeling like i'm such a bad friend.
i got so irritated with stuff i shouldn't be.
perhaps because i always think that life is so unfair.
how come people can have all the luxury to be in the place they are now?
while i'm stuck with the same old routine each day.
nothing excites me. (except for the fact that i'm going for a trip next month)

do i need a new hobby?
to forget the happy and joyful life other people lead?

nur hafiza hj hasan -- fizhasan

Thursday, February 18, 2010


putting on a fake smile.
listening to all of your stories.
i know you're not bragging, but damn.. 
it feels like you really are.

i was not happy,not at all.
but i pretended that i was.
i'm sorry if that was mean, but damn..
faking it is all i can do.

nur hafiza hj hasan -- fizhasan

Friday, February 5, 2010

thank you.

dear miss b,

thank you for your time and wise words.
i'm glad we had the talk just now.
it felt great to let out to someone what's been bugging me.
i'll always remember your advice and opinions, sis.
thanks again and take care..

♥ hugs ♥

nur hafiza hj hasan -- fizhasan