Tuesday, April 15, 2008



Got a call from Abah this morning.
Mok Long passed away last night.

Mok Long is my Grandma's eldest sister.
The last time I saw her was last Monday, when I visited her with my parents.
I had a strange feeling right before I went to Besut that day, that it would be my last time seeing her.. I just didn't know why I felt that way.
And looking at her condition that day, my heart ached.
She was no longer my Mok Long who always smile..who talks a lot.
She was just lying helplessly sick on the mattress without recognizing me or even my Ma.

Mok Long did recognize Abah, though.
Maybe because he was his own nephew.

If you read this, please sedekahkan al Fatihah to Allahyarham.
Thanks. :|

Monday, April 7, 2008



It was my darling Mizot's birthday yesterday.
And my fellow dearest blogger, Achik's too.
Both of them were born on the 7th of April..'83 and '82 respectively.
Yet I was the one who 'received' the gift yesterday.
It was from Ms Istanbul.. a clip of Dr Alex Karev..
Hehehehehehe.. you make my day-lah, sis!!
Thanks a lot!!! :D


Saturday, April 5, 2008



Just finished downloading 5 Malay songs from Top10mp3download.
This blog is currently one of my favourites.
I even downloaded Dafi's latest single!
Yup, that's how boring I am today.

Hence, I decided to blog hop whilst downloading and listening to the mp3s.

At last, I made up my mind to do the meme in Wan's blog.
Yeah, I'm that boring at this very moment!!
{and also to 'menyahut seruan' Tok Mudin + Achik to update..}

First Name - Nur Hafiza
Nickname - Fiz, Fizzy, Fiza, Fiz9, Fowler (seriously!), Nur, Chik
Name you wish you had - Am satisfied with my name.
What do people normally mistake your name - Nur Hafizah Hassan.
Birthday - 14 May 1983 [am I old??]
Birthplace - Kg Kutan Hulu, Wakaf Bharu.
Time of Birth - erkkk.. can't remember.
Single or taken - Single.
Zodiac sign - Taurus


How tall are you - 167cm
Wish you were taller - yup! but then, it's fine..
Eye color - very dark brown.
Eye color you want - won't change.. I like it just the way it is.
Natural Hair Colour - black.
Current Hair Colour - black.
Short or long hair - shoulder length
Ever dye your hair a bizarre colour - nope and never.
Curly,Straight,Wavy - wavy.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - never.. cutting it short is not that dramatic, right?
Glasses or contacts - none, alhamdulillah 20-20.. :D
Do you wear make-up
- not for this couple of weeks.. damn jerawat!! huhuhuhu..
Ever had hair extensions - never had one and won't have one.
Paint your nails - never. never will.


What color eyes - whatever..as long as they're sexy in my eyes. *chuckles*
What color hair - his natural hair colour.
Shy or Outgoing - both and balanced.
Looks or personality - personality. .if he looks really good, I'll feel insecure.haha.
Sexy or Cute - sexy.. am not into cute boys..
Serious or Fun - know when to be serious and when to have fun.
Older or Younger than you - Older plish! Or at least the same age. Again I'll feel insecure if he's younger.
A turn on - Kelantanese. Well dressed. Makes more than me [economically..]
A turn off - Perokok tegar.. [at least he must have a WILL to stop]. Hairy-chested??


Flowers or Chocolate - flowers
Pepsi or Coke - pepsi
Rap or Rock - erkk..neither
Relationship or One night stand -definitely a relationship.
School or Work - school is work in my case! hahaha..
Love or Money - both.
Movies or Music - both.
Country or City - country.
Sunny or Rainy days - rainy days.
Friends or Family - family first, then friends.


Lied - I'd be lying if I said no.
Stole something - hrmmm..food from dining hall during SPM week? hahahaha..
Smoked - never..
Hurt someone close to you - yup.. my parents.. with my SPM results.
Broke someone’s heart - nope, because I've never been in love in order to break a heart.
Had your heart broken - yes.. one-sided love is the cause.
Wondered what was wrong with you - all the times.
Wish you were a prince/princess - nope, I live in REALITY.
Liked someone who was taken - hahahahha..of course.
Shaved your head - of course NOT.
Been in love - never.. can you believe it? now I'm being pathetic..ok, next question!
Used chopsticks - yes.
Sang in the mirror to yourself - nope.
Ever cried over someone - I have.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - my weight?!. hahhaha
Do you think you’re attractive - not physically..
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - none..life's not a fairytale, sadly.
Do you play any sports -used to play volleyball.


Flower - Lilies!!
Candy - minty ones..
Song - currently; Aizat's "Hanya Kau Yang Mampu"
Scent - The Bodyshop's Neroli Jasmine.
Colour - purple and pink?!
Movie - Shawshank Redemption.
Singer - Michael Buble
Words - "If you think you can, YOU CAN!"
Junk food - Twisties
Website - Mysoju.com, Chinkymovies.blogspot.com, harakahdaily.net :D
Lotion - I rarely use lotion..but if I do it has to be The Bodyshop's Strawberry.
Anime - not into anime, so I don't have a favourite.

* * * * *

Penat seih~

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



The mood to write is disappearing.
Slowly..slowly moving away from me.
I need a break..just for a while.
