Tuesday, November 27, 2007



These days, I mourn over the un-democratic situations in our country.
I feel like the freedom to state one's own opinion is blocked.
Citizens are being treated like rubbish.. with no mercy at all.
I wonder if this is the peaceful Malaysia we always boast about?

True, demonstration or street rally is not our 'budaya'.
Starting from the Batu Buruk incident to the BERSIH rally and the latest was the Hindraf demo.
But IMHO, the demonstrations would never turned out to be ugly if our police force did their part well.
After all they didn't mean any harm to the public at all.
If they weren't provoked with water canon and poison gas, I doubt they would act violently.
This is rather a case of something that was suposed to be so simple and easy to handle turned the other way around.

Truth be told, this entry is not my way of letting out my wrath against the government.
But watching the recent events,just made my heart ache.
There are definitely better ways to handle stuff but we preferred the hard and harsher way.
Sadly the 'friendly Malaysians' remains a tale now.

Media blackout?
Now that's another story to be wrapped up next time.

In the mean time I just need to ease my sadness upon what's happening in our beloved country.
And by that I mean another fruit pudding coming right up into my fridge!



  1. kalau nak kata demo ni bukan budaya kita... tak yah bagi contoh penentangan tok janggut, datuk bahaman, mat kilau, dol said, datuk sagor, semua... walau pun kita tahu.. yang mereka tu melawan dengan keras... meluahkan rasa tak puas hati terhadap penjajah inggeris...
    atau... perhimpunan melayu menentang oleh datok onn... atau ahmad bin abdullah fahim [pak dullah] di dataran pemuda merdeka di pulau pinang... [cucu menantu dia kata orang berdemo ni beruk dan monyet...]

    kita cuma perlu tengok perkataan amuk tu saja... orang putih pun pinjam dari kita perkataan amuk tuh... maknanya mereka tak de perkataan nak jelaskan perbuatan amok ni... tak ramai yang mengamuk kot... sedang kita punya perkataan untuk perbuatan ni... mungkin, mungkin lah... orang kita ni memang suka mengamuk, melepaskan apa yang terbuku di hati...

    err... bukan budaya lagi ke? atau budaya kita kalau cuma benda yang elok baru nak mengaku... kalau tak elok.. ehh... ni bukan kita punya...

  2. hrmmmmmmm.. betul jugak tu.
    in a way, we 'inherited' the need to demonstrate from our elders..hehe.
    budaya ke tak, main point is segala 'keganasan' tu buleh dielakkan kalau polis x provoke.
    and then,media putar alam kan cerita.

    betul ke salah cara penyampaiannya, bagi fizzy, selagi tak mengganggu ketenteraman awam, let them be lah dulu.
    pastu,kalau salah dakwaan deme tu, explain elok2..
    then again, harapan fizzy ni bunyi mcm hanya akan jadi dalam fairy tale kan,pa'chik?

    wahhhhh...panjang komen pa'chik..
    suka suka suka.
    nway, thanks for your opinion.
    really appreciate it.

  3. though i respect ur opinion...i still think HINDRAFnye demo tu...cam x reasonable jek...my two cents..erk!

  4. some how.. I HATE THIS DESIGN!!!

    bukan ape, aku rase lost plak nak cari2 mane natang nak reply. mane content2 lain. ;)

    anyway, nak update kt ko, noktahhitam.com ;)

    as for Hindraf, tak salah kalau tak setuju, tp make sure channel it to the right body. tak salah gak kalau nak buat demo cume kite pon tau, bile dorg demo sure ade mende tunggang langgang. bad rep to nation ke tak, tu mmg dah pasti. bukan dari dulu lg ke kite bad rep?

  5. to me, freedom of speech, ya its our right to demonstrate or voice out opinions and stuff but in HINDRAF's case, there are proper channels for them to do so rather than violating the law. plus the reasoning behind it, ridiculous. they put other Indians to shame, and causes racism uproar. dan diorg (maybe konco2 bawahan), berlagak cam samseng, org2 awam pun kene, betul ke caranya demo camtu?

    my vote is for humanity, harmony and peace between the races. most people refuse to see the whole big picture of it, there may be many things the goverment's not good at but i think in terms of kebajikan masyarakat majmuk secara am nya, they are doing a fairly good job. yg susah dibantu, diberi subsidi seadanya. nak lebih, usahala sndiri, kan? statistically, malaysians in majority are the malays and bumiputra, dan mereka juga adalah majoriti rakyat termiskin, not even the indians, so ape ceritanya ni skrg? tak faham aku.

    itula gunanya "giving back to society", like the chinese, yg kaya mmg tlg yg miskin, sekolah2 suma ada sponsors. kalau sume nak dengki2 (melayu esp, sesama melayu), camni la kan sampai bila2.

    tak guna gaduh2, kalah jadi abu menang jadi arang. sama2 tolong majukan negara apa salahnya

    hey fizzy, i miss u, call me :D
