I arrived @work safely today Alhamdulillah.
Yeah, while most of you are still in your comforter this morning, yours truly was already on the road.
Driving almost 2 hours non-stop.
Well, back to business.
This entry is meant to promote my batch's website. Or weblog.
Please have a peek at tkc nine six zero zero dot shambijoux dot com.
That is our current url.. [our own dot com is coming soon!]
And below is the screenshot of our weblog/website.
We are currently using WordPress' layout as Shambie the Administrator is super-busy.
She had come up with a splendid and customized layout design for our web but that has to wait-lah for a while.

There are only 2 posts there for the time being.
One of which I copied+pasted from my own blog..
And the features are not all ready.
But InsyaAllah, they'll be updated one by one soon.
Wassalam and have a great weekend!
Salam Fizzy...
ReplyDeleteMa'ke gapo doh tengoh tengoh hari nie??
Ma'sok sdiri ko beli..
Kak pB nok aata email lah ko Fizzy..
mitoh addresss
- KAK pB -
so skoloh nga bining najik.
ReplyDeletekalu najik jadi pieng gak, mesti nat'te tu jadi imelda markos no.2.
sorry, tak dpt nk buat theme baru secepat mungkin..tgh tekanan jiwa kat sini..haha tension2
salam kak pB,
ReplyDeleteemail fiz letok doh di blog kak pB..
make kokse² jah sbb dok soghe..
housemates semo blk..
sedak nyo macaroni soup..
meme so skoloh pong..hehehehe..
dio ajeng maghi skoloh dulu..
toksoh tunggu jadi pieng, loni pon ado ciri² doh..
rambut hok penting tuuuuu..
Shambie syg,
chill laaa..
no pressure babe!